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  • Writer's pictureRaidah Arif

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Something which was very different for me for this week’s assessment compared to others was that the article in which I did my research assessment was not picked for me, but it was picked by Dr. Afolabi, someone with who I conducted an interview. Since she gave it to me specifically based on our interview, the article was very relevant to my original work and could contribute to my hours spent. Additionally, something else that I did was fix up my website. Since I have not looked at it in a long time, my website was in very bad shape. Along with doing things such as adding in my interview assessments and blogs, I also fixed up other elements like my color scheme and the formatting of the website. I think that my website is now a lot easier to navigate through. By editing other people’s as well, I got an understanding of what a good website looks like and some ideas for other things which I can incorporate into mine. From now on, I hope that I can update my website pretty regularly so that I don't have to do so much at once next time. I think that updating it twice a month would be a good way to do this. For next week, I hope to continue doing research for my original work and to edit my website more based on the critiques that I have received.

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