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  • Writer's pictureRaidah Arif

Interview Insights

Although somewhat slow, this week marked a big milestone for me as I did not only an interview but also my first interview assessment. This interview was not my best as I was dealing with a migraine and was not able to be as attentive as I wished. However, I was determined to still go and do the best that I could. I was happy with it overall and it went well as this professional was the one who had the most to do with pediatric asthma, my main focus. I gained a lot of knowledge on asthma from a primary source which I was lacking a bit before, so it is great that I could bridge some of the gaps in my understanding. As we were assigned to do an interview assessment, I thought that it would be appropriate to do it on my third most recent one as it had a lot of good information and it was from the viewpoint of a pediatric pulmonologist. As they are hard to find, when I get an interview with a pediatric pulmonologist, I try to ask specific questions which will benefit my research well. While doing my interview assessment, I learned what the necessary information was to include and how to effectively write one. In the future, I am glad to know that I will be able to do them more efficiently.

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